Sunday 9th December was the chosen date for the pain to commence! At 7:30, yes that's right 7:30am, Duncan, Paul, Kev, Mat, Dave and Graham started their epic day from Chilton. The day was set out into three 10 mile loops with each one passing back through Chilton. 
The start of the day. A happy Rabble. Well for now anyway!

A few miles into the walk and day light has broken. Here's Graham strolling into Blewbury from Upton

Kev and Mat striding into Blewbury 

The purpose of this day was to test equipment and ability and to find our varying fitness levels

The mud has started. This is at the top of the climb out of Blewbury towards the Ridgeway. The mud was heavy going in places.

For the second loop we were joined by Joel. Here he is on the right crossing the Ridgeway with Dunc and Mat. Our path is to the left of the picture which takes us to West IIsley

Graham, Mat and Kev forging a path into Chilton to finish our 2nd loop. We are about a mile from home at this point

Here's Paul phoning through to order a round of Ibuprofen and paracetamol cocktails! It looks like Mat is about to be sick! But it think it was just unlucky timing

For the last loop Kev, Duncan and Dave were joined by Ally who drove the three of them on well. The light was fading here and we ended the day at 6:30pm.. 

Eleven hours or walking ! Blimey

Hopefully the day served its purpose and we all got something out of it. Even though there was a lot of pain at times and Monday morning was full of aches and a few blisters it was great fun and good to start doing things as the Rabble

Ridgeway, Hike, Rabble, charity, Noah, Mission, Reading, District, Hospitals, Fund